Monday, February 23, 2009

39th Annual Orthographic Meet

I found a great site about the "Spelling Bee,"  which is now being held at Manuel's Tavern.   Since some Stein Clubbers fled there over the years, it seems perfectly fitting. 

While looking through the past winners section, I, of course, came across Patti Wallace's name.  This leads me to finally posting information John found in an article entitled "Atlanta Ballet Re-Hires its Orchestra,"   from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, September 23, 2008.  

It stated, "The deal is for the current season only, made possible by a one-year, $200,000 gift from Patti Wallace, a trustee of the ballet who keeps a condo at Midtown's Four Seasons hotel and lives in Montgomery, Ala., where she runs a nursing and rehabilitation management company."

Could this be OUR Patti Wallace?  Boy, howdy, that Midtown condo would sure have been convenient after late nights at the Stein Club.   Not to mention parties . . . and sleepovers.

Always a lover of the arts, this sounds like something she might do.  I sincerely hope she is doing so well.

How many great parties did she make possible, not to mention Sidney Califf's -- was it baby shower or wedding shower?  This stands out for me because, instead of those little games women normally play at these events, the contests were who could drink the most Tequila Sunrises and eat the most chocolate chip cookies.  Proudly, I can say that I won both.