Monday, August 4, 2008

The Annual Stein Club Open Orthographic Meet

I have included below a portion of Dick Price's comments to an earlier post describing in good detail the beginnings of the Orthographic Meet. To test your spelling against the experts, click on this link "Last Stein Club Open Orthographic Meet." The 50 words from the 30th and last meet are pronounced on this site, and there are blanks to try your hand at spelling them.

From Dick Price: Your opening reference to what you vulgarly termed a spelling bee had its beginning when I sat at a table in the back room with Daisy Adley, Anthony Pendlebury Jonathan Jackson, and perhaps others when we at the table were immodestly describing our spelling prowess.

That very evening we came up with a scheme to show the world just who was the best speller. Thus was born the First Annual Stein Club Open Orthographic Meet. The year was 1970, the month January, and I won that competition. My prizes were a sterling silver pendant fashioned by Catherine Palmer and a sterling silver ring (I still have it) made by David Frye.

In subsequent years non-Stein Club ringers got word of the contest and infiltrated the winner's circle. I remember Billie Brown and John Peek as perennial competitors from our regular flock.

1 comment:

Donna Brown said...

One of our Stein Club's most important regulars Patty Wallace won, if I remember correctly, twice.